Victor Chtelmakh

Senior Software Developer
Victor graduated from the University of Cincinnati with a BBA in Finance and Accounting. He spent several years trying to automate his jobs and crypto-currency trading before moving into programming professionally. MongoDB, AngularJS, and Entity Framework are among his favorite technologies.

    Worthwhile Modern Deployment Strategies — A Full Guide

    12.09.20 | Victor Chtelmakh
    Red/black, blue/green, A/B, canary, rolling… There are hundreds of articles written on these application deployment strategies. As with any newer approach in tech, it can be difficult to discern the practical applications from the hype. We will take a look at these strategies, how they evolved, and whether your application can benefit from them. Finally, we will cover the symbiotic relationship between these deployment strategies and hosting your application in the Cloud.

    Using The Contentful CMS In Angular

    11.28.18 | Victor Chtelmakh
    What is a CMS and why use one, the pitfalls, and an introduction to using the Contentful Headless CMS with Angular.

    Angular Route Resolves in 10 Minutes

    01.08.17 | Victor Chtelmakh
    Updated on 07/13/2018: Extensive overhaul of the code to use newer conventions. Upgraded Angular and RxJS to the latest available versions, moved examples to StackBlitz.