James Carman

James has served clients both locally and coast to coast in a variety of industries and has been a valued member of the Cincinnati tech community for over two decades. He has also served the Apache Software Foundation as a committer, committee member, and officer. He has a wife and three daughters. He attends church at seven hills church in northern Kentucky.

    JAX-RS Integration Testing with Apache CXF

    07.14.20 | James Carman
    The Jakarta RESTful Web Services (formerly Java API for RESTful Web Services) specification provides a robust framework for writing RESTful (and not-so-RESTful) web services in Java. The JAX-RS API allows for Resource (the service itself) and Provider (enrichers providing cross-cutting concerns) implementations to be written in a very modular, testable way.

    Spring Into Kubernetes

    06.18.20 | James Carman
    Overview In this tutorial, we will be building a simple Spring Boot application and deploying it to a local Kubernetes cluster. We will explore some helpful utility libraries for adapting Spring Boot to the Kubernetes way of doing things.