Callibrity Expert

Callibrity is a software consultancy specializing in software engineering, digital transformation, cloud strategy, and data-driven insights. Our national reach serves clients on their digital journey to solve complex problems and create innovative solutions for ever-changing business models. Our technology experience covers a diverse set of industries with a focus on middle-market and enterprise companies.

    Pearls of Wisdom

    01.29.19 | Callibrity Expert
    Some of the best advice I’ve ever received in my professional career, came from the CEO of a large and successfully run credit union. I sought this gentleman’s advice because he had a reputation for creating a collaborative culture that attracted members and talent almost effortlessly. I wanted to know his secret and how to apply it to the way I approached and recruited individuals.

    Building Containers with Drone and Kaniko

    01.24.19 | Callibrity Expert
    Ever since Docker began to gain popularity a few years ago, it has been struggle to create containers inside containers themselves. The most widely used method of employing docker-in-docker has a troublesome quirk: you have to directly mount the docker unix socket to the building container which runs the risk of sending arbitrary commands to the host docker daemon.

    JAMstack Conf Impressions

    11.28.18 | Callibrity Expert
    I recently had the opportunity to attend JAMstack_conf in San Francisco with my team. I got to learn what JAMstack is, why JAMstack has become

    Competing In a 24 Hour Hackathon

    11.26.18 | Callibrity Expert
    HackCincy commenced its second annual 24-hour hackathon earlier this month. I was a part of one of 16 teams that competed for $10,000 worth of

    2018 Top 5 Angular

    11.01.18 | Callibrity Expert
    Angular Mix 2018 was a huge success and the most impactful conference of my development career.